Sure Signs of Spring

”As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease” Genesis 8:22

I am so grateful for this promise! And for the 62 degree-day we had recently! I’m seeing several calves now, daffodils coming through the snow, and water falling fast through the downspouts as the snow melts from my roof. All the snow will melt and spring will come. I am sure of it.

Not as many birds are coming to the feeders now. I’m guessing they can find seeds uncovered along the fence rows. The deer are coming closer to the house at night. I saw six of them in my backyard last night. Molly spends a lot of time barking and going in and out in the evening hours. The wild animals seem to find the food they need through the winter. God provides for all.

Molly and I can take our walks around the hayfields again without stomping through snow- a little mud, but most of the snow is gone. Molly is as excited as I am about that! She can sniff out the moles or whatever she’s interested in without digging through the snow. She’s even tried digging through the frozen snow a few times. Her company makes my walks more enjoyable.

God has  provided for me through this difficult winter and I’m grateful. Now, if I can just spot a robin!

Looking Underneath

I’m tired of living in a “white” world. We’ve had snow on the ground now for two weeks, and the weather forecast says more is coming.  I am a snow girl.  I like snow. As a retired teacher, I remember looking forward to snow days, but even then, a few days were enough.  I know February can be a very snowy month and it’s okay.  I’ll make it through.

I’ve decided to think about what’s under all that white stuff.  There are purple and lavender crocuses, red tulips, and yellow daffodils. There are roots of grasses just waiting for the snow to melt and warmer days to bring up those green blades. And, yes, there are about a zillion yellow dandelions ready to poke their yellow heads up, too. In my garden boxes there is fertile soil waiting to be warmed and prepared to receive seeds and plants resulting in fresh vegetables. I’m enjoying the pictures in those seed catalogs!

I’m reminded of the Prophet Samuel in the Old Testament when God asked him to anoint a new king. He was to choose from Jesse’s sons and when he saw Eliab, Samuel was sure he was to be the new king.  God said no.

“Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7).

Don’t we sometimes judge people like that?  We treat them by what we see on the outside. I’ve most likely missed out on some potential friendships by not pursuing a relationship with someone, just because of what I saw on the surface. James writes about this when he reminds the Christians not to show favoritism.

“If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself,’ you are doing right. But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers” (James 2:8-9).

I know I’m guilty and must continually be on guard against such actions and thoughts. All that snow will eventually melt away and what is underneath will burst forth in its beauty. I must look at people that way. God knows what a person is really like, I don’t. I must love everyone knowing they are made in God’s image, lovingly sharing the truth of the gospel at every opportunity. God can bring beauty to every soul who is willing to allow it.

“May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you. May he strengthen your hearts so that you will be blameless and holy in the presence of our God and Father when our Lord Jesus comes with all his holy ones” (1 Thessalonians 3:12-13).

Happy Valentine’s Day

God is With Us


“Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance” (Jude 1:2).

The snow continues to fall on top of the 7 inches already on the ground. So, I won’t be going anywhere today and maybe not for a few days.   Looking out my kitchen window this morning I saw a surprise. The first new baby of the year! What a stormy time to be born!  But that little calf looked healthy and was moving around quite well. A blessing to my eyes and spirit during this stressful time.

I am distressed about the direction our new administration is headed. We are losing our freedoms, people are losing their jobs, and babies are losing their lives before they are even born! My next task is to write letters to my representatives and to the White House. I cannot be silent!

Lately, I’ve been reading the Genesis account of the life of Joseph. Imagine, having your own brothers selling you to foreigners! Then working as a slave, blamed for a wrong you didn’t do, and finally put into prison. The Bible doesn’t tell us much about how Joseph felt through all of this, but it does tell us God was with Joseph.  I feel a little mistreated, like Joseph, when I see the direction our administration is headed. God and His truth seem to be forgotten and yet, I know God is with His people.

We know God used Joseph to save His people from starvation during the 7 years of famine and they eventually had to suffer through years of slavery before they were freed through the power of God and the leadership of Moses.  I do not know exactly what the future holds for the United States, I only know that God will not leave us or forsake His people!  Just as Joseph kept doing whatever his task was in Potiphar’s house, in the prison, or in the palace of Pharaoh; I must also stay on task, faithfully following where He leads. God, give us strength and endurance!

“But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit. Keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life” (Jude 1:20-21).