Lavished Love

“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!” (1 John 3:1 NIV)

As I looked for a “love” verse to send to my grandchildren this morning, I chose the above verse from 1 John. What a reminder of the greatest love one can know and the greatest measure of love one can know. The word “lavished” is translated “given” or “bestowed” in other translations, but I like lavished. It reminds me of when children are allowed to pour syrup over their pancake, they usually pour a lot! They lavishly cover that pancake until it floats in the syrup!

Isn’t that what God does for us? He not only loves us unconditionally, but he loves us abundantly. God, the Creator, became God, the Savior. Our rebellion didn’t stop His love, but our repentance enables us to experience His love. Our obedience makes us His child. It is my prayer you are a child of God. He longs for everyone to become His child. We can love Him because He first loved us. If you, like me, received no Valentines today, don’t despair. Read the book of First John. It is a Valentine from the heart of God through the words written by the Apostle John.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Hallmark Movies and Chicken Soup

One evening last week I felt a sore throat coming on and that achy feeling was setting in. In my mind I knew it would be a couple days at least of resting and gargling and hoping for the best.  I cancelled my sub jobs and decided I would pass the time with Hallmark movies and chicken soup.  Alas! The next day brought nausea and my movies and chicken soup became more like blanket and bucket for two days: too sick to even look at a movie!

Thank God, I can eat again and feeling a little better each day. Yes, I tested positive and am glad to say my isolation time is over. I’m looking forward to a haircut tomorrow. And the weather is predicted to be warmer. Maybe in a few days more of this snow will melt. It’s been almost a month since the ground was bare.

Sickness teaches us we are not in control of our lives. Not really. We are all dependent upon God for our very breath and we ought not forget that. Also, I was reminded of the many folks who deal with chronic sickness and pain every day of their lives. How thankful I should be for good health and the physical abilities I enjoy every day! In my gratefulness I bring many names of those with health needs before the Heavenly Father in prayer. He is the Healer!

“The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything ese” (Acts 17:24-25).