An Attitude Like Christ

“Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus; Who being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness” (Philippians 2:5-7). 

Is this the year for an attitude adjustment? I asked myself that question and have decided that, yes, I need to be more careful about my attitude. The Apostle Paul is very clear in the verses above what the attitude of a Christ follower ought to be. Our attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus. That’s a lofty goal and one we need to strive for.

As I looked at the next verse (Philippians 2:8) I noticed two qualities exhibited by Jesus, humility and obedience. As a Christian I need those qualities in my life. There are examples of these in the teachings of Christ.

When Jesus’ disciples asked Him who was the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, he called a little child to them and explained they needed “to change and become like little children.” (Matthew 18) Children are completely dependent on adults to supply their needs for life. It takes humility for us to completely surrender to Jesus and depend on Him for all we need.

When James and John ask for places of honor next to Jesus, He taught them to be servants if they wanted to be great. (Mark 10) Jesus, Himself, “came to serve and give His life as a ramson for many.”

I think about the ten lepers that came to Jesus for healing (Luke 17). As they obeyed Jesus’ command to go show themselves to the priest, they were healed! The blind man was healed when he obeyed and washed the mud from his eyes (John 9). The paralytic was healed when he obeyed Jesus and stood up, took his mat, and went home (Luke 5).

According to Jesus’ teachings, then, humility and obedience must be evident in my life. With God’s help I will strive for that goal!

Have a blessed year in 2024 honoring Jesus with an attitude like His!